A strong fire protection system inspection, testing and maintenance program is essential to ensure all fire protection equipment and systems will function properly during an emergency. This will help protect your building, company assets and prevent an interruption of normal business operations as well as help ensure your organization is in compliance with applicable fire codes, industry best practices and insurance company requirements.
You need a fire protection system inspection, testing and maintenance program to:
1. Ensure all fire protection equipment and systems will operate properly during an emergency and help limit the extent of a loss; a weak fire inspection program leaves you vulnerable to a crippling loss incident
2. Comply with industry best practices
3. Keep your good fire/property loss history intact, which will help ensure competitive and smooth property insurance renewals; please note that other factors beyond your loss history can impact insurance renewals
4. Comply with government legislated fire codes; federal, state, provincial and city/municipal fire codes normally mandate minimum requirements for fire protection system inspection, testing and maintenance programs
We offer preventive maintenance services for your fire protection systems, based on either contract or ad-hoc basis.
We perform three main tasks in our maintenance services: